We’re sorry to say that Duly Noted will not be running in 2025 – please check our website for any future developments.
We launched Duly Noted 2021 (DN21) as a training programme for people in comedy and drama development. The workshops were designed to skill up aspiring script editors, arming them with a practical understanding of production and a support network.
The launch exceeded our expectations, with more than 200 applications. Eventually we selected five promising, talented, and kind individuals: Andin Ngwa, Amir Amirsolimani, David Cheung, Marissa Ogbeide, and Uju Enendu.
Then, for Duly Noted 2022 (DN22) we had a better understanding of the range of exclusion in scripted television. It is mountainous. It’s entirely intersectional. We decided that approaching it singularly reinforces barriers. As a result, DN22 invited applications from all people from historically excluded groups; this included aspiring script editors who identified as Deaf, disabled, neurodivergent, LGBTQ+ and from lower socio economic and/or ethnically diverse backgrounds. We selected a skilled, bright and brilliant final cohort: Andrea Royer, Annie Lockhart, Jon Champion, Lily Shahmoon, Mpona Lebajoa, and Zak Abby.
Last year, Duly Noted 2023 (DN23), after reflecting on our DN cohorts so far, we had a specific focus on increasing the representation of participants from all over the UK! We considered the formula of the scheme, injecting funding into regional and national placements, and increasing opportunities for people outside of London. In 2023, we saw the profound impact of targeting the regions and the nations of the UK, and investing in work across happening there. It lead us to our wonderful, thoughtful, and hard working, final cohort: Anna Wallace, Asia Goldie, Caitlin Rawlings, Ellie Drewry, Jack Casey, Rowan Allen, Nkechinyere Nwobani-Akwanwo, Pasha Tong, and Tamar Saphra.
In 2024, we plan to continue delivering wholly inclusive training with the support of the BBC and Sony Pictures Television, with additional support from Screen Scotland. We’re excited to collaborate so closely with partners who share a passion for changing our landscape. Our joint ambition is to scale up and skill up this year’s cohort building off of the last three years’ progress and combining what we’ve learnt across the history of the scheme.
So, how does it work?
The Duly Noted scheme consists of a fully-funded week long bootcamp training in a fully accessible venue, in Central London, which will prepare the cohort for on-the-ground placements in production which will follow the workshop stage, and will be based all over the UK.
The training will take place in the spring, prior to a production-based Assistant Script Editor placement for each member of the scheme, earning the DN24 cohort what is likely to be their first broadcast credits. The placements will span a ten to twelve-week period in the summer of 2024. The roles will vary depending on demands of the production, while taking into account participant experience, location and requirements. Placements will be facilitated by the BBC and Sony, and will be in partnership with well-established producers who share our ethos of inclusion and change.
We will continue to facilitate a feedback loop between the participants of DN21 and DN22 and this year’s final cohort. Some members of the DN21, DN22, and DN23 cohort will return to facilitate and mentor the participants in this year’s group.
We feel it’s important to not only train up and pay the knowledge forward, but also vital that we nourish and sustain a network of emerging editorial brains who’ll likely be the leaders of our industry tomorrow.
Who can apply?
As always applications are open to all people. We highly encourage applications from historically excluded groups; this includes aspiring script editors who are Deaf, disabled, neurodivergent, LGBTQ+ and from lower socio economic and/or ethnically diverse backgrounds. We invite applications from across the UK. Ideal candidates will have a track record focused on editorial. We’re looking for individuals with script reading and script development experience (or transferrable skills) under their belts. However, we very much welcome applications from people who’re looking to crossover from other TV or Film production roles.
Is it paid?
To support costs of travel, accommodation and equipment hire, Duly Noted is offered as a paid training opportunity. Participants are compensated for their time during the workshop series and throughout their production role as Assistant Script Editors.
How do I apply?
The submissions window opens on Tuesday 5th March 2024.
Applicants will need to email us their current CV as PDF, along with a PDF responding to the following provocations:
- In what ways do you feel that TV storytelling and the broader industry would benefit from the inclusion of individuals like yourself and the perspective of your community?
- What does script editing mean to you – why are scripts and story your chosen path?
- Tell us about a show you love and why.
- Tell us about a show you didn’t get along with and why.
- Which show would you love to have script edited and why?
- Tell us why you would benefit from participating in the Duly Noted scheme, specifically.
- Where are you currently based and where do you consider ‘home’?
- Feel free to let us know here if you have any access requirements ahead of a video call interview.
Applications have now closed – thank you to all those who applied.
Please click here for the DN24 privacy policy.
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