RED ROSE is a horror series created by Michael and Paul Clarkson for BBC Three and Netflix, set in their hometown of Bolton.

The series centres around a cryptic new app that threatens a young group of friends in the wake of finishing their GCSEs, as they struggle to balance their real-life issues alongside the ones they begin to face online.

The cast of RED ROSE includes rising stars Amelia Clarkson, Isis Hainsworth, Ali Khan, Ellis Howard and Ashna Rabheru, plus celebrated actors Adam Nagaitis, Natalie Gavin and Samuel Anderson.

Season 1 premiered on BBC Three on August 15th 2022 and became available globally on Netflix in February 2023.


“Horror is a tricky genre to get right…but this new drama series from the producers of Sex Education smashes it. Both highly entertaining and startlingly thought-provoking.” The i

“This lively teen horror is a creepier Black Mirror.” The Guardian

“Nail-biting excellence.” Stylist

“The year’s most unsettling TV show.” Dazed

“Michael and Paul Clarkson’s first series…is distinguished by a keen sense of place, preference for slow-build tension over cheap gimmickry and, crucially, a deep empathy for its characters.” The Times